Having the introvert personality, it was difficult for me to communicate with other individuals…even to a fellow Japanese.
However, In this past 3years and a half, I was fortunate enough to meet a lot of cool/awesome/fantastic souls.
Best Friends those I spent time with every Saturday, friends who have helped me during my rough times,
people that have supported my art, and many fellow artists who have inspired me through out this time in NY.
Words cannot explain how much I appreciate each and every one of you.
And the only way for me to show this appreciation is by art. Through my pieces.
Life…is not meant to be lived alone. I, myself, certainly can't.
I wouldn't be here today if it were not for everyone's support and help.
Many of you have left a mark on my heart and Now I would like to leave a mark on your heart as an 'artist' in return.
And that mark, Hopefully, even after I leave NY, will remind you of me from time to time that ”Chain was here.".
I won't say good bye…I'll just say, Until we meet again :)
Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart.
Title : CHAIN was HERE self portrait
36" x 36" each piece / 18 pieces connected with CHAIN (total 114" x 231")
acrylic on canvas ( people tagged their name or artwork on it at my show)
日本語でも日本人同士でも話す事が苦手な自分は人とあまりコミュ ニケーションをとるのが得意ではない。
だけど、3年半の間沢山の人に出会った。 毎週土曜日に会う親友たち、色々辛い時に支えてくれた友人たち、 絵をサポートしてくれた人たち、私のart life に刺激を与えてくれた沢山のアーティスト。
だけど、一人一人に言葉で上手く伝えることができない自分は、 絵で表現するしか方法がみつからない。
Self portraitを初めてかきたいと思った。 色んな思い出をおもいだしながら。
Self portraitを初めてかきたいと思った。
自分は一人では生きていけない。そこまで強い人間ではない。 色んな人に支えられて生きている。
このNYでたくさんの人に支えられて、 沢山の人に足跡を踏まれた。 だから自分も誰かの心の中にartistとして足跡を残していき たい。
Ordinary? Legendary? それは自分じゃなくて相手が決めること。 もし少しだけでも私があなたの心に足跡を踏めたとしたら、 きっと私がNYを離れても、たまに思い出してくれるとおもう。″ CHAIN was HERE″って。
Ordinary? Legendary? それは自分じゃなくて相手が決めること。